profile picture of me

This profile is an insight into my developer journey from beginning to present. Follow me through my journey to becoming one of the greatest developers. Some of my skills include;

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Web API's
  • Side Server API's
  • JQuery
  • NodeJs
  • Express.js
  • MySQL
  • GraphQL
  • React
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    Project 1 - Foodtopia

    This is a food recipe app which caters to all food intolerance's, whereby a user can filter to their dietary needs and render recipe cards.

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    Project 2 - Food4U

    An application where users can upload, edit, delete food posts using its own server-side API, user authentification, and which connects to a database.

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    Code Refractor

    Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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    Password Generator

    This is an application whereby the user can generate a completely random password at each instance, simply by the click of a button

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    Code Quiz

    This project is to create a code quiz whereby the user answers questions under a time constraint and all their high scores are stored to view at the end

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    Day Planner

    This is a project containing a work day calendar between the hours of 9AM-5PM. Its an easy to use calendar where the user can add text at specific hours to plan their day and save it.

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    Weather Dashboard

    This is an application whereby the user can search the weather for any city in the world. Those searches are saved into local storage, so the user can see their old history. This is done by fetching data fro an API

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    Read-Me Generator

    Here the user interacts with the inquirer CLI that generates some questions and the user inputs their answers. The users response is then used to generate a

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    Team Profile Generator

    Here the user interacts with the inquirer CLI that generates some questions and the user inputs their answers. The users response is then used to generate some HTML cards to represent different types of employees

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    Note Taker App

    This is an application where the user can add, save and delete notes from their note taker as they please.

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    Tech Blog App

    This is an application where the user can add, save and delete thoughts from their blog as they please.